Tail Rotor Assembly Inspection Tool
Category: Tail Rotor
Manufacturer: EAA Tools
Tail Rotor one-piece, multi-function inspection guide to effectively check tolerances in the De-Ice stationary and rotating distributor and the IVHMS Tail Rotor Magnetic Pick-Up Interrupter gap tolerances. It is used to quickly check the retention plate mounting bolt thread exposure tolerances. Each gauge surface is calibrated with certified NIST-traceable inspection equipment. A certificate of compliance including high precision dimensions is included.
- Ensures all required inspection measurements are precision-calibrated without a need to double-check.
- Eliminates human error and thus duplicitous maintenance due to initial incorrect maintenance found in the QC process. Reduction in errors to de-ice distributors, preventing the tear-down of the inboard and outboard retention plates to gain access.
Aircraft Application: H-60 A/L/M/G, S-70, S70+, S70i
System: Tail Rotor Mount
Maintenance Level (US Army): FIELD
Material: 17-4PH SS
Country of Origin: USA
Weight (WT): 2.4 lbs
Size: 12”H x 11”W x 3.25”D
Category: Tail Rotor