
Tail Pylon Bolt Torque Adapter Set

Category: Airframe

Manufacturer: EAA Tools
EAA Tail Pylon Bolt Torque Adapter is used to install the Tail Pylon Bolts to Required Torque Specifications.

  • Re-engineered to resolve the interference/clearance issues with Plyon A & B hydraulic lines while also providing a longer throw to clear and avoid damage to the Tail Strut access panel.
  • Stenciled calculation of the offset is provided and laser- etched on the tool for easy calculations.
  • Nickel plated for corrosion prevention per MIL-STD.

Aircraft Application: H-60 A/L/M/G, S-70, S70+, S70i
System: Tail Pylon
Maintenance Level (US Army): FIELD
Material: Hardened 4140 Alloy Steel
Country of Origin: USA
Weight (WT): 1.8 lbs
Size: 4”L x 3”W x 3”D
Category: Airframe