AFT Main Mod Mount Bolt Torque Adapter
Category: Transmission
Manufacturer: EAA Tools
EAA Tools Custom Torque Adapter removes aft L/H Main Mod Mount bolt and performs the 9-11 torque checks with efficiency by eliminating the need to remove the driveshaft and rotor brake hardware.
- Eliminates the need to remove the Rotor Brake and HSS when having to perform the 9-11 torque checks on the aft Main Mount Bolts.
- Improves safety by ensuring the Aft Main Mod Mount Bolts under the Rotor Brake are torque-checked.
- Nickel plated for corrosion prevention per MIL-STD.
Aircraft Application: H-60 A/L/M/G, S-70, S70+, S70i
System: Pylon Mount
Maintenance Level (US Army): FIELD
Material: Hardened AISI 4140 Alloy Steel
Country of Origin: USA
Weight (WT): 1.2 lbs
Size: 8”H x 1”W x .5”D
Category: Transmission