Tail Rotor Assembly Inspection Tool for H-60 A/L or M

Tail Rotor Assembly Inspection Tool for H-60 A/L or M

Tail Rotor Assembly Inspection Tool for H-60 A/L or M

TM/IETM TASK REFERENCE(S): TM 1520-237-23 – [WP 0594 00, WP 1259 00] – 31 JULY 2012, Tail Rotor Hub and Blade Assembly

Current field-expedient method is not standardized to quickly and accurately measure inspection gap tolerances and limits for the De-Ice stationary and rotating distributor, the IVHMS Tail Rotor Magnetic Pick-Up Interrupter, and the retention plate mounting bolt thread exposure limits.

A simple hand-carry inspection tool can improve the inspection efficiency of these components. New design is engineered to be small, accurate, and inclusive of all critical measurements.

Technology Solutions & Benefits

The TRAIT-60-AA serves as a one-piece, multiple function inspection guide to effectively check tolerances in the De-Ice stationary and rotating distributor and the IVHMS Tail Rotor Magnetic Pick-Up Interrupter gap tolerances. It can then be used to quickly check the retention plate mounting bolt thread exposure tolerances.

How It Works

  • The TRAIT is a precision machined, single-piece, brushed stainless steel GO/NO-GO gauge.
  • Each end is a GO/NO-GO gauge for the Tail Rotor outboard retention plate bolt thread exposure: one end ensures a minimum exposure over 0.080”; the other ensures a maximum exposure under 0.125”.
  • The wing tips ensure the de-ice distributor slip ring gap maintains a clearance of between 0.089” and 0.105”.
  • The half-circular cut-ins ensure the IVHMS Tail Rotor Magnetic Pick-Up Interrupter gap is between 0.015” and 0.025”.
  • The gap on the IVHMS Swashplate Interrupter can be inspected and verified.
  • All gauging surfaces are milled to within 0.002” tolerance.


Contact EAA Tools today for ordering information

    • Client: H-60 / S-70
    • Service: Individual